Business Incubation
The Dumas Business Growth & Development Program offers a low cost option for starting or expanding your business in Dumas. The Dumas EDC has two units located in its office complex designed to provide your firm with a place to do business from. Our office complex is located at 900 North Dumas Avenue, just off of U.S. 287 where we see over 10,000 vehicles per day providing your firm with great exposure. Incubation is the process where we provide business coaching and consulting in an effort to help your business grow to be self-sufficient. The process is as long or short as it takes for your business to begin showing profit. Our aim is to help you become profitable enough to establish a permanent position in the community as a business.
We provide a graduated lease scale that best fits your financial position. This lease will gradually increase over time as you begin to grow, until you are ready for your own independent location in the community. The incubation program has clerical services available at a nominal rate. These services will essentially provide you with additional “employees” without having to pay traditional salaries and benefits.
Each unit is outfitted with a 12×10 office and restroom. Utilities, trash service, internet and phone are the tenant’s responsibility unless negotiated otherwise at the time of lease. Each unit is approximately 1,250 sf with a 12’x18’ bay door. There is secure property outside available for equipment storage that may be negotiated.
An example of how the program may work is as follows:
“ABC Wholesale is starting out with 1 full-time and 1 part-time employee. The firm indicates that they have plans to hire 2 additional full-time workers in a year’s time. They are starting a new distribution company and have plans to eventually locate in a larger building that they plan on constructing within two years, but because they have a client in the area in need of supplies immediately, they requested a temporary site. Based upon the economic impact of the firm both today and in 3 years, the Dumas EDC has determined the value of the new firm’s presence in Dumas to qualify for a discounted lease rate. The rate will start at $350 per month for 6 months, plus gas and electric paid. Clerical services will be provided for the copy machine and fax machine at no cost, but the message service will be provided at $20 per month. After 6 months, the lease rate will increase to $450 per month for the next 6 months. After one year, the lease rate will be $600 per month for the next 2 years until it terminates when the new facility should be constructed.”
Contact us today to see if you qualify and if we can provide your new or expanding company with assistance.